Admissions Counselor
Maryville University
University of Massachusetts-Amherst
University of Memphis
University of Maryland-Global Campus
University of Arkansas
Disclaimer - This is an estimate of the cost to attend each of these institutions. The exact costs will vary based on several factors including the number of transfer credits accepted for a particular school & major, variations in programs/tuition at a particular school, the exact courses and grades on your transcripts, residency and other factors. The cost of books and fees has been estimated and will vary from institution to institution. This does not factor into account any costs for transportation, room & board. This options document is designed to help you make a more informed college decision. Prior to enrolling in any particular school or program, Pearson will confirm the exact costs and build you a comprehensive course by course progression plan.
4 Years
4 Years
4 Years
4 Years
Earn a bachelor’s degree in General Business from a top-ranked, accredited business school recognized by employers across the nation and beyond. Gain a solid foundation in essential business skills. Coursework includes accounting, economics, finance, information systems, management, marketing, retail and supply chain management. You can complete all four years of study or apply previously earned college credit (including an associate’s degree) toward completion of this bachelor’s degree online.
4 Years